

“Management of water resources: resilience, adaptation and mitigation to hydroclimatic extreme events and management tools”.

Thirty-Four Funding Agencies from all over Europe and abroad are pleased to announce a joint transnational call for research and innovation projects under the framework of Water4All partnership.

The call will focus on solutions for hydroclimatic extreme events, as described in the Water4All Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda Theme III “Water for the future: sustainable water management”, as well as on the cross-cutting Theme VII “Governance” and Theme V “Water Infrastructures”. 

Research & innovation proposals submitted under the Water4All 2022 Joint Transnational Call are required to address at least one of the following topics:

  1. Resilience, adaptation and mitigation to hydroclimatic extreme events
  2. Tools for water management – in the context of hydroclimatic extreme events
  3. Improved water governance in the context of hydroclimatic extreme events and international contexts



Update 05 October 2023

JTC 2022 Call: evaluation results notified to the applicants.
This morning all the proposals’ coordinators have been informed about the outcomes of the projects evaluation and selection. 27 proposals out of 67 have been recommended for funding. The final list of successful proposals will be published at the end of the redress period, which will expires in two weeks. If you are an applicant, please contact your proposal coordinator. 

Update 17 April 2023

Water4All – Opening of the Partner Search tool for joining Consortia in STEP 2.

The Water4All Call Secretariat is offering the opportunity to interested organisations to join consortia invited in submitting the full proposal in step 2.

Interested organisations can access to the list of admitted proposals to Step 2 here and register in Water4All Partnering tool offering their availability in joining the consortium selected.

Interested organisations when offering as partner shall include in the Offer Title the code and acronym of the proposal they want to join.

Consortia Coordinators will be invited in checking the offers in the partnering Tool and when the agreement between the Coordinator and the new organisation has been reached, the coordinator shall ask for the consortium’ s change approval (see How to request a change in the Consortium below)

Organisations wanting to join existing consortia shall verify in advance their national eligibility criteria both through the National Regulation and by contacting their appropriate Funding Agency, (please see Annex C of the Call Announcement for details).

Please note:

  • The information given in the pre-proposals is binding. No major changes regarding the proposals’ content will be allowed by the Call Steering Committee (CSC) between the pre-proposals and full proposals. Take this into account if adding new partners to the consortium.
  • The eligible changes are those complying with the paragraph 5.1 of the Call Announcement:
    • Changes in the consortium composition are allowed (maximum 2 changes of Project Partners in proposals with more than 5 partners; maximum 1 change of project partner in proposals with 5 or less partners), provided approval by the concerned Funding Organisations. Please note that the following actions are considered as changes: addition, removal or replacement of a Partner (incl. subcontracted and self-financed partners). Please note that the maximum number of changes applies to “Partner”, i.e., the independent legal entity participating in the Transnational RD&I project.
  • Furthermore, in addition to the changes allowed by the call text, Consortia may add, on a voluntary base, one more additional partner established in one of the undersubscribed countries: Turkey, Latvia, Belgium (limited only to partners requesting funding to VLAIO Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen), Luxembourg Israel, Slovakia, Lithuania, Hungary and Italy (limited only to partners requesting funding to the Ministry for Enterprises and Made in Italy). The inclusion of a new partner from these countries is not mandatory and will not give any advantage in the evaluation of the proposals.

How to request a change in the Consortium

Requests for changes shall be assessed and allowed/declined by all the FPOs involved in the proposal prior to the Full Proposal submission deadline.

Consortium coordinator who wants to add, remove or replace any partner shall informWater4All as soon as possible. The email shall be addressed to the Call Secretariat and in CC all the Funding agencies involved in the proposal as well (please see Annex C of the Call Announcement for details).

Only emails sent by the Consortium Coordinators will be taken into consideration.

Update 27 February 2023

Communication to the Applicants

This morning the Call Secrretariat sent to all the Pre-proposals Coordinators the Evaluation Notice about the results of the STEP 1. Coordinators that may have missed the reception of the email can contact the Call Secretariat.

Update 17 February 2023

Communication to the Applicants

The decision on the invitation to STEP 2 of the call is taking longer than expected due to the high number of applications and delays in the evaluation process.

The Call Secretariat will contact the Consortia Coordinators by email to communicate the results as soon as the final decision is reached.

Update 07 February 2023

Information to applicants

Due to a persistent delay in the evaluation process, the results about the selection of pre-proposals for the Step 2 will be published on the 15th February 2023 EOB.

Update 10 October 2022: 

Water4All Partnership has just published the Frequently Asked Questions on the scope and submission procedure. The document is available here

The applicants can watch the webinar recording and download the webinar PPT here.

Update 19 September 2022: 

Water4All consortium and Call Secetariat will organise a webinar for applicants in order to provide detailed information on the JTC2022. Applicants will have the possibility to directly interact with W4A experts and Call Secretariat in the Q&A sessions. The Webinar will be held online on the 23rd of September, 14.00 – 15:30 (CEST, Brussels time).  Webinar Connection Link 

Update 14 September 2022:

EPA from Ireland and SNSF from from Switzerland updated their information in the National Regulation Document. 

Update 07 September 2022: 

Denmark’s National Annex has been updated. Applicants are strongly invited in checking the national eligibility criteria. 

Brazilian Funding Agency Confap  has increased its national budget for the call. The total amount available is 1.063.400,00 €. 

Now Available the pre-proposal template for download.  The template do not replace in any way the online submission but it is meant to provide additional guidance to applicant prior registration to the Online Submission Tool. 

Update 07 July, 2022:

The Water4All Partnership published the call pre-announcement providing initial information of the JTC 2022 timeline and the list of participating Funding Organizations. More information are available here

 Update 05 September, 2022:

The “Preproposal Submission Guidelines” document has been updated and now contains the guide to the “Searching partner/project tool”